Basic usage

clan has three basic uses

  • Writing query results to a text or HTML report suitable for reading or emailing.
  • Writing query results to a JSON file suitable for further processing.
  • Generating a “diff”, or change report, comparing two sets of query results, as either text or JSON.

Generating a text report

To configure clan, create a YAML data file describing the analytics you want to run:

# Global configuration, only property-id is required
property-id: "53470309"
start-date: "2014-06-01"
prefix: "/commencement/"

# Metrics to report
    - name: Totals
          - "ga:pageviews"
          - "ga:uniquePageviews"
          - "ga:users"
          - "ga:sessions"

    - name: Totals by device category
          - "ga:pageviews"
          - "ga:uniquePageviews"
          - "ga:users"
          - "ga:sessions"
          - "ga:deviceCategory"
          - "-ga:pageviews"

To run this report to a JSON file, run the following command. Note that by default clan will look for a YAML file called clan.yml. You can override this with the -c option. For complete documenation of this configuration, see Configuration.

To produce a text report, run:

clan report analytics.txt

Here is sample output for the above configuration:

Report run 2014-06-06 with:
    property-id: 53470309
    start-date: 2014-06-01
    ndays: 2
    prefix: /commencement/

(using 89.0% of data as sample)

         88,935    100.0%    total

         60,179    100.0%    total

         21,244    100.0%    total

         26,817    100.0%    total

Totals by device category
(using 89.0% of data as sample)

         64,542     72.6%    desktop
         15,403     17.3%    mobile
          8,991     10.1%    tablet
         88,936    100.0%    total

         40,966     68.1%    desktop
         12,277     20.4%    mobile
          6,936     11.5%    tablet
         60,179    100.0%    total

         12,838     60.4%    desktop
          6,084     28.6%    mobile
          2,322     10.9%    tablet
         21,244    100.0%    total

         16,014     59.7%    desktop
          7,644     28.5%    mobile
          3,159     11.8%    tablet
         26,817    100.0%    total

To produce HTML, run:

clan report -f html analytics.html

Generating a JSON report

Instead of text you can output data in a JSON microformat suitable for archiving, visualization or further processing with other tools:

clan report -f json analytics.json

Global configuration options, such as start-date can also be specified as command line arguments, allowing you to reuse a YAML configuration file for several projects. When specified, command-line arguments will always take precedence over options defined in the YAML configuration.

clan report -f json --start-date 2014-05-1 --prefix /tshirt/ analytics.json

You can also convert an existing JSON report to text, like so:

clan report -d analytics.json analytics.txt

Generating a text diff

If you report on multiple projects using the same analytics, you can use clan to compare their performance:

clan diff a.json b.json diff.txt

This will write a report documenting the absolute and percentage point differences. Here is an example of the output:

Comparing report A run 2014-06-10 with:
    property-id: 53470309
    start-date: 2014-06-01
    ndays: 2
    prefix: /commencement/

With report B run 2014-06-10 with:
    property-id: 53470309
    start-date: 2014-06-01
    ndays: 2
    prefix: /tshirt/


        -12,280    -91.8%         -    total

        -39,514    -96.3%         -    total

        -10,441    -91.9%         -    total

        -27,327    -96.2%         -    total

Totals by device category

         -3,832    -96.6%     -17.3    mobile
        -12,280    -91.8%         -    total
         -1,470    -92.9%      -1.5    tablet
         -6,978    -89.2%      18.8    desktop

         -7,548    -97.8%      -7.5    mobile
        -39,514    -96.3%         -    total
         -4,608    -97.2%      -2.8    tablet
        -27,358    -95.8%      10.3    desktop

         -3,321    -97.1%     -19.4    mobile
        -10,441    -91.9%         -    total
         -1,204    -92.9%      -1.4    tablet
         -5,916    -89.0%      20.8    desktop

         -6,025    -97.8%      -9.1    mobile
        -27,327    -96.2%         -    total
         -3,589    -97.0%      -2.7    tablet
        -17,713    -95.5%      11.8    desktop

The values in the report columns are:

  • Absolute difference
  • Percent change
  • Change in percentage points

Generating a JSON diff

As with individual reports, diffs can be saved as JSON for further processing:

clan diff -f json a.json b.json diff.json